bleyjur og garamond
Um daginn þegar ég var að hanga á Google, datt mér í hug að það gæti verið sniðugt að athuga hvort að "garamond-fetish" væri algengt. En þegar ég var að gera ritgerðina mína, þá stóð ég oft sjálfa mig að því að fá unaðshroll þegar ég sá hvað Garamond fer einstaklega vel í miklum texta. Fyrir þá sem ekki vita, þá er Garamond letur hannað af frakkanum Claude Garamond á 16.öld. Þetta er eitt uppáhaldsletrið mitt og nota ég það alltaf þegar ég geri ritgerðir og núna seinast þegar ég gerði heimasíðuna mína. Allavega, ég fann ekkert um "garamond-fetish" á netinu, en aftur á móti fann ég einkar áhugaverða grein um "diaper lovers" eða "diaper fetish", en á íslensku væri það bleyjufetish. Hægt er að lesa meira um þetta á wikipediu og hér er partur úr greininni:
"A central practice to AB/DL is wearing a diaper. Many AB/DLs like to "wet" or urinate diapers, and a smaller number[8] like to "mess" or defecate in them. Others do not because they find such practices disgusting, do not enjoy it, do not want to go through the cleanup afterward, or wouldn't be able to without being obvious. Some AB/DLs have difficulty wetting their diapers when they want to, as the result of overtrained bladders or paruresis.
A common compromise between wanting to wear diapers and needing to go about daily life is to wear diapers under normal clothing. When diaper lovers do so, it is in their everyday mindset, as opposed to an infantile one. A few adult babies wear diapers all the time, and may seek to develop enuresis or urinary incontinence. The level of enjoyment in wearing diapers all the time is mixed, and it may have lasting effects; some adult babies have found that the enjoyment diminishes rapidly when the need to wear diapers is always present.[9] Other AB/DLs enjoy wearing diapers intermittently more than they would enjoy wearing them all the time."
Ég verð að segja að ég elska internetið. Hvar annar staðar fengi maður svona upplýsingar. Mér finnst ég bara nokkuð eðlileg núna með mína garamondfetish.
"A central practice to AB/DL is wearing a diaper. Many AB/DLs like to "wet" or urinate diapers, and a smaller number[8] like to "mess" or defecate in them. Others do not because they find such practices disgusting, do not enjoy it, do not want to go through the cleanup afterward, or wouldn't be able to without being obvious. Some AB/DLs have difficulty wetting their diapers when they want to, as the result of overtrained bladders or paruresis.
A common compromise between wanting to wear diapers and needing to go about daily life is to wear diapers under normal clothing. When diaper lovers do so, it is in their everyday mindset, as opposed to an infantile one. A few adult babies wear diapers all the time, and may seek to develop enuresis or urinary incontinence. The level of enjoyment in wearing diapers all the time is mixed, and it may have lasting effects; some adult babies have found that the enjoyment diminishes rapidly when the need to wear diapers is always present.[9] Other AB/DLs enjoy wearing diapers intermittently more than they would enjoy wearing them all the time."
Ég verð að segja að ég elska internetið. Hvar annar staðar fengi maður svona upplýsingar. Mér finnst ég bara nokkuð eðlileg núna með mína garamondfetish.
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